Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Vacation Time: Part 4

I meant to post this blog about a couple of weeks ago, but between the cat getting sick. Fighting with my husband, laundry, and my Mom's car, I haven't had much time to do anything here.

Anyhow, I give you the rest of the California Trip:

We checked out of the Holiday Inn in Aenheim on Wednesday and set off to find a Bead store called Brea Beads. Sadly we used an online map site to get directions, and had a bear of a time trying to find the location of the store. We did eventually find it though, and I bought a few fun treasures.
We then set out for The Universal Sheraton, and arrived early for check in, but were allowed to anyways.

Hungry, we found this themed resturant at the City Walk and stopped to explore everything that was there.

We couldn't resist this huge sweet store, and I ended up leaving with several pounds of candy which I am still eating at this time. Good thing I got some toothbrushes to take care of all that sugar.

We looked around a bit more, and then made our way back to the Hotel to rest up for our visit to Universal Studios the next day. Little Nick could not wait to meet his Uncle Rob either.

On Friday we got up early again and bought our tickets for Universal Studios. We had to wait a bit, but we were all excited to see all the stuff at Universal Studios.

Uncle Rob was happy to see all of us again, and her even got hugs from little Nick.

Uncle Rob however, decided to try and feed some of the local wildlife.

On the Studio Tour, we saw a big mess, and hoped the Homeowner's Insurance was paid up on these houses.

I then caught Nick hanging out with some shady characters.
The end of the day came quickly, and we ended up eating out with Rob and Lynne at PF Changs a few miles from the hotel, and had a great time that night.
Friday, we went to the Natural History Museum in Los Angeles and saw many interesting exhibits, and got close up with some really rare stones from all around the world.
For dinner that night, we ended up eating at the CityWalk again at the Hard Rock Cafe, where I paid shockingly twenty six dollars for two beers. I got to keep the glasses though.
Saturday we set out for home, and made it to Redding, where we stayed at the same hotel we slept at on the way down, and set off again Sunday morning for home. Unfortunately for us, the car broke down twenty miles from the Washington border and we had to call in cavalary. We got the car towed back to the dealership and my husband had to drive down and get us that night from Oregon. I was so happy at that time to just be back home. After fighting traffic, and being told how to drive a car for a week, I was just happy to sleep in my own bed.

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