I would have posted this earlier, but I was having too much fun playing with my new toy.
I wasn't even scared when I saw the box sitting in the living room, and remembered my complete lack of skills at carpentry. The DVD that came with this beauty was a HUMONGOUS help though, and it took me about two hours to assemble my Kromski Minstrel.
It turned out beautifully too. I it a really sturdy and beautifully made wheel. True quality and fine craftsmanship here.
The oriface is taller than my Ashford Traditional, which required me to find a taller chair.
I got a Kromski spinning wheel!!!!!! Nuff said.
I have been wanting one for a while because I really liked the quality, and they have gotten alot of great reviews from some of the sites I have visited. However, I was having a hard time getting the money together, but I was more than suprised to recieve it for my annivessary gift. I think I really need to thank someone big time now.
I'm still doing a happy dance all over the house.
Now I am off to spin some awesome yarn.
I'm here via your post in the Kromski group on Ravelry. It's lovely! Is that the walnut finish?