Well, with February drawing to a close, I thought it would be time to list off the totals for this month. As you may remember, my purchases at Madrona Fiber Arts left me with a negative total of 1,394 meters knit.
Well, I got bit again by the fiber bug and added some more to the stash. Two skeins of Hazel Knits left me with a total of -2,012.
However, I am still determined to bring that total back to the positive.
I have used up a further 234 meters of Cascade 128.
Baby Cashmirino used 125 Meters.
Another ball of the GGH Scarlett used 105 Meters.
And I used two skeins of Lornas Laces Shepherd Sock to use a total of 394 Meters.
This brought my total to -1,154.
I forgot too, I started a scarf that used two balls of Rowan lenpur Linen. Another 230 Meters used there.
Well, the total is still a negative 924 meters, but I still have ten months left.
Until next time.
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