With the completion of my sweater, I moved onto the lace tam and scarf set by Susan Rainey. I thought this would be the perfect project for the Noro Auroura because the simple lace pattern would not get lost in the varegation of the yarn, and it would use nearly all six hundred yards of the yarn. Both of these factors made this pattern a good choice for my yarn.
I started with the tam to ensure that I had enough yarn for both the tam and scarf. Mainly becuase scarves tend to get away from me, and I didn't want to use up too much yarn on the scarf accidentally.
One thing about the tam I liked, was how fast if knit up. It seemed that as soon as I cast on the required stitches, I was done and blocking the tam over a standard dinner plate. I even added the I-cord topper to the center of the tam for good measure.
I cast on and began the scarf then, and by the fifth repeat of the lace pattern, I noticed how nice the edges of the scarf looked. I think the psuedo I-cord edge really created this neat looking edge in pattern to the rest of the scarf. Also it gave the entire porject a polished look overall.
One thing I did not count on was how long it was taking to knit the scarf. I am confident however, that I will finish the scarf by the end of November.
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